Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Get to know us

We have just celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary! Hard to imagine we've been married 6 months already.... we only have eternity to go! We absolutely LOVE married life! We are so happy living together in our tiny but very cute home. We stay busy day to day and our favorite part of the day it laying in bed together talking every night. Shad is going on his 12th year teaching 5th grade at Satilla Elementary. Whitney opened a hair salon 4 months ago and business is great! The Lord has really blessed us with our jobs. We spend lots of time with church members and friends and we love serving the Lord in our callings. Whitney was just called as Young Women's President... she was thrilled and very surprised when this happened. Shad was also just called as First Counselor of Young Men's. We are both excited to spend time together not only at home but also at church together while serving our callings. With our free time, we love going to the movies and out to eat Mexican food or pizza. We love going to the temple once a month in either Orlando or Atlanta. We love visiting Whitney's family in Statesboro and when we're in home, we love spending time with Shad's family and our twin nieces and a our nephew. We have recently looked into fostering children. We pray every night that the Lord will help this to happen for us. We hope to one day have a colorful house full of children!

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